by Simon Cogan
PART ONE: Katherine de Gallois' life is about to change forever when she meets a stranger known as the Doctor, some of his old enemies and a friend from his past...
by Darren Field
PART THREE: The Doctor must save Peri and discover who is behind the curse that runs throughout the village...
by Stephen Lyons
The Doctor is trying to fix the materialisation circuit but inadvertantly causes the arrival of some 'cosmic dust' an intelligence intent on destroying the weapons of Earth...
by Robert Hammond
The Doctor and Peri are relaxing upon Plarrion enjoying the sunshine and its beauty when they are accosted by two 'local' inhabitants who want the TARDIS...
by James D. Quinton
Susan's life is in danger when the Doctor and his Granddaughter meet the Space Rats from Planet 10...
by Neil Hunter
PART TWO: The crew of the spaceship 'The Victory' and along with the Doctor's help, discover that the Daleks are alive and deadlier than ever...